For choosing the suitable pituitary graft,we observed the pituitary of the pars distalis in newborn rats on the Ist, 5th, 10th, 15th days old with electron microscope. The result showed GH cells appeared predominantly on the l to 5th day on the pars distal of pituitary, ACTH and TSH cells were found as well. But FSH and LH cells were seldom seen,and the quantity of sectetion granules was fewer in each anterior cell. There were more cells without secretion granules be relative to secretion cells of the pituitary gland. On the 5th day of newborn ,the number of secretion cells increased relatively and the number of cells without secretion granules reduced relatively. On the 10th and 15th day of newborns ,the quantity of secretion granules increased relatively in each secretion cell of the pituitary gland, especially GH eclls. In addition,PRL cells did not appeared in aforesaid periods. Our conclusion is that it is best to choose newborn rat within 5days old to be donator.