中东国家的政治发展问题一直为人们所关注。从“中东例外论”到“民主改造论”的变化 ,表明美国在中东战略上由维持现状转向谋求全面整合与“改造” ,力图构筑美国主导下的“中东新秩序”。这既是冷战后国际格局演变的反映 ,又是美国的自身利益、国民文化心态、新保守主义势力的抬头等诸因素促动的结果。但是 ,美国在中东地区所倡导的“民主化”是建立在“美国化”基础之上 ,具有强制性和越俎代庖的特点。这不仅使美国“民主改造”中东的目标难以实现 ,“民主改造”的过程也充满着风险和不确定性。
Political development in the Middle Eastern countries has always been a focus of attention.The shift from“Middle East exceptionalism ”to“Middle East transformation”indicates that the U.S.Middle East strategy has changed from maintaining the status quo to striving for complete integration and transformation of the region so as to establish a“new order in the Middle East”that is dominated by the United States.This is not only a reflection of the development of the international structure after the end of the Cold War,but a result of the interaction of the interests,cultural mentality,and ascendancy of neo conservatism in America.However,the democratization pursued by the United States in the Middle East is based on an Americanization imposed on the Middle East,which would render attainment of the objective of“democratizing the Middle East”very difficult ,as well as full of crisis and uncertainty.
World Economics and Politics