基于“互联网态度调查表 (IAS)” ,采用两组大学生被试 ,分别进行探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析 ,探讨了大学生互联网使用动机的模式 ,编制了“大学生互联网使用动机量表”(IUMS CS)。结果发现 :(1 )大学生互联网使用动机由“信息获取性动机”和“人际情感性动机”构成。基于IAS形成的大学生互联网使用动机量表具有较理想的项目区分度、内部一致性信度、构想效度和效标效度。 (2 )大学生互联网使用动机与上网次数的关系不密切 ,但与上网时间有一定关联。 (3 )“人际情感性动机”
By using exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis,this article explored patterns of the Internet use motives of undergraduates and developed The Internet Use Motives Scale for Undergraduates (IUMS-CS) based on an investigation with The Internet Attitudes Survey (IAS).The results were as follows: (1) The structure of Internet use motives of undergraduates consisted of 2 independent factors,i.e.,information-acquisition motive and social-affective motive.The IUMS-CS had adequate item validity,internal consistent reliability,construct validity and criterion-related validity.(2)Relations of Internet use motives to frequencies of Internet use were unremarkable.However,undergraduates with high social-affective motive used Internet for much more time than those with low social-affective motive.(3) Social-affective motive could be served as a valid index to predict pathological Internet use behavior.
Chinese Journal of Applied Psychology
全国教育科学"十五"规划项目 (BBA0 30 0 1 5)
云南省政府-浙江大学合作共建云南省心理学重点学科 (2 0 0 1 - 2 0 0 3)项目资助