对钢琴实用性功能进行研究不仅只是为了满足学生在校学习钢琴的需要 ,同时也是在为学生毕业后从事音乐教育工作打基础。在音乐教学和学习中 ,钢琴实用性功能体现在三个方面 ,即钢琴的辅助性、即兴性和伴奏性。
Since piano is a compulsory course for the music majors in the teachers universities, it is necessary to explore over the functional practicability. For this is out of the consideration of both school students and the would-be music educationalists. Likewise, the functional practicability should, in the course of teaching and learning, take on three features: complementariness, improvisation,accompaniment.
Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)