Sale contracts discovered in Dunhuang are important materials to study the evolution of the forms and uses of contracts in ancient China.The contract design was perfected during the Tang Dynasty. It clearly stipulated the rights and obligations of the two parties and the legal consequences for not honoring a contract.Simple contracts were well established and therefore helped to standardize the contract system. As a result, disputes among parties to a contract were reduced.The process for making a contract binding was following: First, the two parties signed the contract and offixed their seal. Next, they added their thumbprint to the contract.A guarantor and witness were required to sign the contract. During the Tang Dynasty,the single contract became commonplace and the duplicate was abandoned (only the contractor kept a copy). Sale contracts preserved at Dunhuang combine standard characteristics for contracts (based on the central legal system) as well as unique characteristics divided from regional practices,religion, and the unique geographical and historical conditions on China's western border.
Dunhuang Research