敦煌莫高窟北区洞窟出土了一件罕见的文书,经识别,笔者认定它是一件叙利亚语文书。该文书的照片以及拉丁字母转写和译文已发表于《敦煌莫高窟北区石窟》(第一卷)的附录部分,此次发表的是释读报告的《续篇》。 《续篇》主要做出了如下的结论:一、B53:14号叙利亚语文书是《诗篇》的Shurayi类节选,供景教信仰者于平时每日黄昏祷告时唱诗之用。二、《诗篇》节选的断句依据是唱诗时轮流应答的形式,每一行末尾的句号实际上应该是休止符号。三、文书证明景教在元代在敦煌曾经有过实践活动。
During a systematical unearthing of the northern caves of Mogao Caves, archeologists of Dun- huang found a Syriac document in the cave number 53.Since then the Syriac manuscript takes a sig- nature B53:14.A very clear photo of the Syriac manuscript ban been published in the first volume of the Report on the Northern Caves of Mogao Caves in Dunhuang, to which a transcription and translation of the Syrian manuscript, written by the writer of the present paper, are appended. The present paper is reporting on new found-outs of the Syriac manuscript. It is confirmed that the psalms contained in the manuscript are pertaining to Shurayi, which make a part of the books known as ktaba da-Qdam w-d-barar.It is apparent that the psalms are divided into clauses as they sung. Thus the manuscript brings with it an information to present time that Nestorians had carried out their activities in Dunhuang during the Yuan Dynasty.
Dunhuang Research