
国有商业银行城市分行组织结构创新构想 被引量:3

A Proposal Regarding Organizational Structure Innovation by City Branches of State-Owned Commercial Banks
摘要 在银行核心竞争力理论中,支撑核心竞争力的是组织结构及其内在运作。在我国金融业进入全面竞争时代,国有商业银行城市分行在中心城市的地位和份额已决定着国有商业银行的主导地位和整体实力的发挥,而提高国有商业银行城市分行的竞争力必须从组织结构创新入手。本文借鉴国外商业银行组织结构的发展现状,提出在法人治理结构下,确立以客户为中心、以市场为目标、以价值最大化为根本,在中心城市全新打造出“两个支点,三个平台”的国有商业银行组织结构;通过减少管理层次,优化资源配置,使组织结构更加适应市场和贴近客户,前后台职责清晰,信息传递通畅,组织机制高效运行。 Theoretically,the c ore co mpetitiveness of a bank is sustained by its organizational structure and interna l operation.Now in the period of all-round competition among our financial indus try,the positions and market shares taken by their city branches in center citie s determine whether stated-owned commercial banks can assume a leading position and give a full of play of their overall strength;but upgrading their competitiv e edge,organizational structure innovation should be preceded.Based on the devel opment and reality of commercial banks in foreign countries in relation to their organizational structure,an organizational structure geared to state-owned comm ercial banks in center cities is proposed,which is customer-centered,market-targ eted and maximum profit-oriented under legal person governance.By streamlining m anagement and optimizing resources allocation,it is hoped that organizational st ructure will be more market-driven and closer to customers with clear responsibi lities of front line/support staff,smooth flow of information and efficient oper ation of organizational mechanism.
作者 王建春
出处 《金融论坛》 CSSCI 2004年第10期35-40,共6页 Finance Forum
关键词 国有商业银行 城市分行 组织结构创新 中国 花旗银行 人才 commercial banks city branch orga nizational structure innovation core competitiveness
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