目的了解目前尚无硕士授予权的医学院校中本科及以下学历青年教师的深造意向,以便这类医学院校管理层采取有效措施加快培养青年教师的步伐,改善师资队伍结构.方法对某医学院校部分本科及以下学历青年教师的深造意向进行问卷调查,用u检验对各人群答案的差异显著性进行分析.结果 (1)绝大多数青年教师(占97%)有深造意愿.其深造动机是综合性的,依次为自我实现、生存压力、职业兴趣和工作压力.(2)大多数青年教师想通过深造做好本职工作(占78.7%),同时得到更大就业保障(占47.5%)和更多收入(占47.5%).(3)在深造方式上,工作超过5年的青年教师占72%选择在职拿学位.而工作不到5年的教师多选择国家统考计划内(占58%)或定向招生深造(占24%).(4)大多数青年教师认为英语是制约其追求高学位的知识弱项(占78.7%).结论青年教师有强烈的深造意向,其深造动机体现了对社会贡献与个人获得利益的有机结合,积极而现实.因此从青年教师到职之初就为他们设计深造计划是最能稳定青年教师队伍的举措,包括采取切实可行的办法帮助他们提高英语水平.学校管理层不应忽视稳定性较高、已具备一定能力的工作超过5年的青年教师群体.
Purpose: To get information about intention of the young teachers' further education, who are in or under bachelor level and work in the medical colleges that haven't been granted the conferment of Master degree until now.and method: 61 young teachers who work in a medical college without conferment of Master degree were inquired on their intention of further education. The results of questionnaires were analyzed with u test. Results: (1) 97% of the young teachers intent to further their education with various motivations, which are, in turn, self-realization, life pressure, professional interest and work pressure; (2)the purpose of the intention is to work more efficiently (78.7%); meanwhile to ensure their teaching position(47.5%) and to get their income increased (47.5%), (3) Most of the teachers having worked over 5 years plan to take graduate course for Master degree in their spare time while those under 5 years prefer a full time course. (4) English is their main challenge (78%) in pursuit of a Master degree. Conclusion: Their motivation is both individual and social benefit, so a profile of further education intention including English study for bachelors when they just enter the university will be an effective measure to keep them on their teacher position. Besides that, the school authority should pay more attention to those young teachers working over 5years because they were capable and relatively steady.
Northwest Medical Education