通过回顾和比较已有研究中国资本存量的相关文献 ,考虑到中国国内生产总值历史数据的几次重大补充和调整 ,本文对各年投资流量、投资品价格指数、折旧率 重置率、基年资本存量的选择与构造以及缺失数据进行了认真的处理和研究 ,并在此基础上利用补充和调整后的分省数据 ,根据永续盘存法估计了中国大陆 3 0个省区市 1 952— 2 0 0 0年各年末的物质资本存量。
This paper has estimated the capital stock at provincial level in China between 1952 and 2000. It draws on and compares the existing studies on the estimation of capital stock in China, and has taken into account the major historic adjustments on Chinese GDP statistics. It has also taken care of such statistical issues as investment flow, capital deflator, depreciation, base-year capital stock and errors and omission of data. The completion of provincial-level capital stock in China in this paper is expected to upgrade the research on the pattern of economic growth and productivity change in China.
Economic Research Journal
投资效率和经济增长的实证研究 :1978- 2 0 0 0"的阶段性研究成果之一
国家社会科学基金 (批准号 0 2BJY12 9)