医疗责任保险的推出 ,有效地分散和转移了医疗机构及医务人员的风险 ,其得以顺利推行很大程度上取决于我国法律体系的完备程度。政府应及早制定有关医疗事故的法律 ,将医疗事故的处理统归于相同的法律标准下 ,为医疗责任保险发展奠定法律基础。根据我国国情 ,政府应组织成立一个监管部门 ,决定各商业保险公司的准人 ,并为其培育一个透明。
The implement of medical duty insurance effectively disperses and transfers the hazard of medical organizations and medical staff, and its implement depends on the maturity of laws. Government should set down laws of medical malpractice as soon as possible to deal with malpractice by law and to develop medical duty insurance on base of law. In accordance with China’s situation, government should establish a supervision department to determine the entrance of insurance company, and establish a good competition situation for fair play.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army