

The Complications in Mandibular Segmental Defect Reconstruction and Its Treatment
摘要 目的:探讨下颌骨缺损重建的并发症及处理方法。方法:以64例下颌骨损重建患者为研究对象,修复方法包括游离植骨,血管化游离植骨和重建钛板修复,分析其并发症种类和原因。结果:手术成功率90.6%,25位患者发生并发症(39.1%),感染是最常见的并发症,良性肿瘤、囊肿的术后并发症显著低于恶性肿瘤。结论:多数并发症是可以治愈的,防止感染、消除死腔、妥善固定是提高下颌骨缺损重建成功率的关键。 Objective: To investigate the complications of mandibular segmental defect reconstructLon and its treatment. Methods: 64 patients were followed up, they had all accepted the reconstruction operations by nonvascularized or vascularized free autogenous bone graft or mandibular reconstruction plate. The complications during the treatment were analysed. Results: The success rate was 90.6%, complications occurred in 25 patients (39%). Infection was the most common complication. The comphcation rate of benign tumor were greatly lower than mahgnant tumor. Conclusion: Most complications were curable, we can improve the success rate of reconstruction operations by preventing and treating infection, good fixation and correct choice of indication.
作者 许亦权 胡敏
出处 《口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2004年第3期233-236,共4页 Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
基金 "十五"军队医药卫生科研基金(01MA11)
关键词 并发症 下颌骨缺损 重建 患者 植骨 常见 血管化 防止感染 游离 种类 mandibular defect complications bone graft
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