
硒对氟致机体损伤保护作用的实验研究 被引量:17

The experimental study of selenium on the protective effect in organism injury caused by fluoride
摘要 目的 研究硒对氟致机体损伤的保护作用及探讨其保护机理。方法 Wistar大鼠饮 3 0mg/L和 5 0mg/L高氟水造成慢性氟中毒 ,同时另外两组大鼠饮高氟水、饲 2mg/kg加硒饲料。 1年内每月测饮水摄食和排尿量 ,测尿氟含量 ;每 2月摄X线片。喂养 4、8、14个月分批处死大鼠 ,测硒氟含量、骨形态计量学参数、自由基含量、抗氧化酶类、甲状腺激素、心电图、心肌电生理参数等。结果 对氟中毒大鼠投硒可改善饮食、增加体重 ;促进尿氟排泄 ,降低体氟 ;延迟X线异常改变和氟骨症的发生同时减少骨量对骨矿化障碍产生抑制作用 ;恢复抗氧化酶类活性 ;调整甲状腺激素水平 ;拮抗氟中毒所致的心电图和心肌电生理异常。结论 一定浓度范围内的硒具有拮抗高氟作用 ,促进尿氟排泄、保护骨骼系统、调整自由基代谢及对肝、肾。 Objective To study the protective effect and explore the protective mechanism of selenium(Se) on organism injury caused by fluorine. Methods 2 groups of Wistar rat with chronic fluorosis were duplicated with 2 concentration of fluorine(F 30 mg/L and 50 mg/L)in drinking water. At the same time,selenium (Se 2.0 mg/kg )was supplemented in 2 groups of rat with fluorosis for 14 months. The amount of drinking water and diet, the excretion of urine and the contents of urine F were tendentiously surveyed every month in one year. The X-ray was taken in every 2 months for 6 times. The contents of Se and F, the parameters of bone histomorphometry, the contents of free radicals, the anti-oxidation enzymes, the thyroid hormones, the parameters of electrocardiogram and electrophysiology myocardial cells were determined during the experimental period of 4, 8, 14 months. Results After supplement of Se, the condition of food and drink improved, the weight rose, the amount of urine excretion heightened and F of the bone and tissues decreased. The occurrence of skeletal fluorosis was delayed and the obstruction of bone mineralization was restrained. The restoration of the anti-oxidation enzymes activity, the adjustment of thyroid hormones level and the disnormal of antagonism in electrocardiogram and electrophysiology myocardial cells were observed in the rats with fluorosis. Conclusions Se in the range of certain concentration might be antagonize high fluorine and the promotion of urine excretion, the protection of bone system, the disorder of correction in the free radicals metabolism and the effect on the liver, kidney and myocardial cells were the important mechanism of Se in antagonism with F.
出处 《中国地方病防治》 2004年第5期257-260,共4页 Chinese Journal of Control of Endemic Diseases
基金 山东省卫生厅资助项目No .1 992 0 2 4
关键词 心电图 机体损伤 保护作用 大鼠 心肌电生理 尿氟 拮抗 高氟 饲料 排泄 Fluorosis The damage of organism Se
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