当代中国家族企业具有五大特征 :掌握拥有权和经营控制权 ;实行家长制或泛家长制管理 ;以血缘、姻缘为纽带维系企业人际关系 ;崇尚儒家文化 ;对政府机关依附等。当代中国家族企业之所以存在 ,从现实看 ,是顺应我国基本国情的产物 ;从历史看 ,是市场经济取代传统经济过程中对家族伦理的扬弃 ;从发展看 ,是企业成长过程中的必经阶段。
Contemporary family enterprises have some same characteristics,the head of a family owns the enterprise or controls the enterprise,in enterprises,the head of a family manages all kinds of important issues,in some degree,family enterprises depend government.Contemporary family enterprise has its relative reasons of survival.From the view of reality,the existence of family enterprises meets the condition of China,from the view of history,the existence of family enterprises is developing what is useful and discarding what is not to family ethics in the course of market economy replacing traditional economy,from the view of development,the existence of family enterprises is essential stage of enterprises development.
Contemporary Economic Research