目的 评价综合性预防干预措施对提高桑拿按摩女性从业人员性传播疾病 /艾滋病 (STD/AIDS)相关知识的效果。 方法 运用综合预防干预措施 ,于干预前后采用同一匿名问卷调查并进行评价。 结果 半数以上目标人群对STD/AIDS传播途径有了解 ,但对无STD/AIDS症状的患者认识不足 ,避孕套正确使用率低 ,与固定性伴侣避孕套使用率低 ,绝大多数人认为自己没有患STD/AIDS的危险。预防干预后 ,目标人群掌握STD/AIDS相关知识较干预前有不同程度的提高。
Objective To evaluate the effectiveness on comprehensive prevention intervention program regarding sexually transmitted disease/AIDS(STD/AIDS) among masseuses in saunas parlors. Methods A comprehensive prevention intervention program was carried out.Before the intervention and 3 month after the intervention,a same anonymous questionnaire survey was conducted among them. Results More than half of the target population were aware of STD/AIDS-related transmission way.However the patients without STD/AIDS symptoms were less known.Both the rate of correcting condom use and condom use with fixed sexual partners were low.The majority of them didn't think themselves at risk of STD/AIDS.After the prevention intervention STD/AIDS-relatled knowledge improved. Conclusion Prevention intervention program had significant impact on knowledge about STD/AIDS among the target population.
Chinese Journal of School Doctor
广东省医学科学技术研究基金 (A2 0 0 2 1 2 9)