目的 分析产后抑郁的发生率及与其相关的因素 ,为早期发现、早期干预产后抑郁提供依据。方法 以 2 0 0 2年 10月 1日~ 2 0 0 3年 9月 30日在我院分娩并知情、同意参加本研究的 30 7名孕妇作为研究对象 ,孕期采用综合医院焦虑抑郁量表 (HADS) ,产后采用爱丁堡产后抑郁量表 (EPDS) ,EPDS总分≥ 13分即为产后抑郁。通过非条件Logistic回归分析筛选出与产后抑郁相关的主要危险因素。结果 30 7名孕妇中 ,产后抑郁的发生率为 7.6 % ,多因素分析中有 8个因素进入多因素回归模型 ,分别为近 3个月夫妻关系、经常担忧产后避孕、产前洁癖、近 3个月经济问题、担心分娩安全、产后抢救、丈夫产后探望及产后饮食。
Objective To investigate the incidence and risk factors of postpartum depression.Method Clinical data of 307 deliveries during October 2002~September 2003 were analyz ed. Both HAD and EPD scales were used in the study. Postpartum depression was de fined as the score of EPDS≥13. Results The incidence of postpartum depression was 7.5% among 307 deliveries. There were 17 factors associated with postpartum depression significantly according to sin gle-factor analysis and 8 factors entered last regression model according to mu lti-factor analysis. Conclusion It is necessary to give pregnant women both medical and social psychol ogical supports during the course of pregnancy and even after delivery.
Shanghai Medical Journal