室温下 ,采用GMP(glassmicropipette)玻璃化法对牛卵母细胞进行冷冻保存。结果表明 :不同发育阶段的牛卵母细胞GMP冷冻、解冻后体外受精卵裂率在 36 .6 7%~ 52 .38%之间 ,其中体外培养 2 2h牛卵母细胞的受精卵裂率最高 ,为 52 .38%,与对照组 (6 8.42 %)差异不显著 (P >0 .0 5) ;采用不同的预处理溶液处理冻前牛GV期卵母细胞 ,其中以 3%的EG稀溶液预处理可获得最高的体外受精卵裂率。结果表明 :牛体外成熟卵母细胞冷冻效果最好 ,采用3%EG稀溶液处理玻璃化前卵母细胞可以提高冷冻效果。
In the present experient, bovine oocytes were vitrified by glass micropipette(GMP) under room temperature.The results were as follows:GV oocytes and ooctyes cultured 6,18,22 h in vitro were vitrified by glass micropipette.The cleavage ratio of warmed oocytes cultured 22 h was 52.38%.It was significant different compared with oocytes cultured 6,18,22 h in vitro and GV oocytes, but not different with the control(68.42%)(P>0.05). The results indicated:the more maturation of bovine oocytes were, the more cyroperservation effectiveness.Oocytes were exposed to equilibration solution ( 1%EG,3%EG,6%EG,10%EG,1/2 VS solution) before vitrified.The results indicated that effectiveness of 3% EG is best than others,the cleavages and maturation ratio in vitro were high.
Progress In Veterinary Medicine
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