体育是一个生产部门 ,属第三产业 ,也会生产出体育产品。目前 ,理论界对体育产品概念的认识 ,分歧显著 ,见诸书报杂志上的观点很多。为了明确什么是体育产品 ,划清体育产品与非体育产品的界限 ,需对体育产品的内涵和外延作出科学的明确的界定。
Being a producton sector,sports belongs to ter ia ry industry,and produces sport goods.Presently,there are notably divergent u nderstandings to the concept of sport,products among the theorists,whose persona l views are in many kinds of books.To further define what sport products are,and to make a clear distinction between sport and non-sport products,we must h ave a scientific conception of the intention and extension of sport produc ts.
Hubei Sports Science