秦汉以来 ,“常朝”一直是国家最高政务决策的重要方式之一。元代虽无固定的“常朝” ,但中书省、枢密院、御史台等大臣参与的御前奏闻仍然是常见的中央最高决策形式 ,故可将元代的御前奏闻视为一种特殊的“常朝”。相较于汉族政权的常朝 ,元代的御前奏闻是有时间、场所多变不定的特点 ,这是因蒙古统治者在部分吸收汉法的同时仍较多保留了传统习俗而形成的。
Changchao(常朝,a regular audience of court officials with the sovereign on state affairs) had been one of the most important forms for the highest level of decision-making from the Qin and Han dynasties on. The Yuan (Mongol) dynasty had no regular audience of court officials with the sovereign on state affairs, and a system called yuqian zouwen (御前奏闻,literally “presenting views to the sovereign) was adopted instead. Those present at yuqian zouwen included the high-ranking officials from the Palace Secretariat, the Bureau of Military Affairs and the Censorate, so it could be viewed as a special form of changchao. Changchao, prevalent during the dynasties established by the Han people, was regularly held at a fixed place in the court, while yuqian zouwen was held irregularly and had no fixed site, as the Mongolian rulers, while absorbing some Han practices, preserved much of their traditional culture.
Historical Research