尽管美国学术界已对一批美籍华裔作家创作的文艺作品给予了特定的关注 ,但这些作品至今仍然没能成为美国文学传统的一部分 ;大多数美国读者还是把这些作品视为“局外人”或“另类人”的故事。本文试图从审视海外华文文学的角度 ,对这批作品中的两篇著名小说做一些探讨。本文所讨论的两篇作品分别是谭恩美的长篇小说《喜福会》和汤婷婷的长篇小说《顽猴爷的赝书》。在讨论中 ,本文将专注于两篇小说所反映的一个海外华人共有的问题 ,即“文化认同”问题。作为华人移民的第二代 ,谭恩美和汤婷婷都在其小说中着重表现了中国移民的母体文化与美国主流文化的对峙 ,居美华人与其他族群的冲突 ,以及居美华人自身男女之间、两代人或几代人之间的矛盾。“文化认同”的问题就存在或产生于这类对峙、冲突和矛盾中。本文认为 ,两篇小说不仅揭示了以上种种的矛盾和冲突 ,而且还都努力为居美华人走出“文化认同”的危机指出了方向 ,当然两位作者所采用的视点和处理手法很不一样。
Although the institutional Asian American Studies has paid attention to writings of American-born Chinese, the writings are battling to be recognized as part of American literary tradition.Up to now they are still regarded as “tales of others' or “tales of outsiders'. By discussing two representative Chinese American novels, Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club and Maxine Hong Kingston's Tripmaster Monkey: His Fake Book, this paper will mainly examine the issue of cultural identity represented in the novels, an issue inevitably problematized when the authors foreground the conflict between Chinese culture and American culture, the encounters between Chinese migrants and the people among whom they live, and the relationships between men and women and different generations of the Chinese diaspora in America. Although both works reflect such conflict and contradiction as characteristics of postmodern culture, the authors tackle them differently.
Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies