采用问卷调查、专家访谈、文献资料调研、数理统计等研究方法 ,以我国优秀主、副攻手、二传手为研究对象 ,对我国排球主、副攻手、二传手的最佳血型问题进行分析探讨。结果表明 :血型与气质、血型与体质、血型与运动能力等相关性都给予了肯定。O型血的运动员最适合做主攻手 ,且专位适应能力强 ;A型血的运动员适合担当副攻手 ,其次是 AB型的运动员 ;B型血的运动员适合担当二传手 ,而 A型血的运动员具有成为全面型二传手的潜力。
By using the method of questionnaires, interviews with experts documentary and mathematical statistics, this paper analyzes the best choice of chief and assistant attackers according to their blood type in volleyball competition. The result shows that blood type has positive relevance with athleticism, physique and athletic capability. Generally speaking, players with blood type O, who are highly adaptable to specific position, are most fit for chief attackers, players with blood type A are most suitable for assistant attackers, players with blood type AB comes the second, players with blood type B are fit for the second passer on. These findings may offer theoretical basis or reference for the volleyball training and talent selection.
China Sport Science and Technology
河南省教委自然科学基金资助项目 ( 98890 0 0 1)