目的 :超声引导下使用Mammotome系统对乳腺良性肿块进行微创切除。方法 :在超声图像的监控下 ,利用Mammotome系统特殊的真空抽吸系统和旋切系统进行肿块活检并将肿块完全切除。结果 :2 8例 4 9个乳腺肿块被准确地完全切除 ,局部血肿 4例 ,均自行吸收。结论 :在超声高频探头声像图监控下 ,使用Mammotome进行乳腺肿块活检和切除准确、有效、安全、创伤小、并发症少 。
Objective:Complete excision of masses of breasts with an ultrasound-guided Mammotome device.Method:Biopsy excision of masses of breasts by using combination of vacuum-assisted biopsy device and a stereotactic unit(Mammotome) were carried out.All the operations could be observed on the ultrasonograph.Result:Forty-nine masses of the breasts in 28 cases were excised completely.Conclusion:With an ultrasound-guided Mammotome device was an accurate,effective,safe and minimally invasive procedure.It was crucial to develop a useful minimally invasive operation method which could be applied without difficulty.
West China Medical Journal