农村信用社在农村正式金融市场获得了准垄断地位。随着政府抑制非正式金融机构及活动的发展 ,农村信用社垄断农村金融市场的趋势日益明晰。但是农村信用社只能甄别和利用一部分诸如需求方偏好、信誉、项目风险和赢利性等方面的局部知识 ,因而只能满足一部分的农村金融服务需求。作者为此提出了有关农村金融服务供求的局部知识范式 ,由此出发考察了现有农村金融机构及其活动。结论是农村金融多元化是满足农村金融服务需求的最优途经。
Rural credit cooperatives (RCCs) gain a quasi monopolistic position in formal rural financial market. With the suppression by the government of the informal financial institutions and activities, a trend of monopolization by RCCs of the whole rural financial market in China becomes ever more visible. But RCCs are only able to identify and utilize a part of local knowledge in Hayekian Sense such as on the demand side's preferences, creditworthiness, project risks and profitability etc, and will thus also only be able to meet a part of diversified demand on rural financial services. The authors develop a local knowledge paradigm and scrutinize from such a perspective the capability of the existing rural financial institutions and activities in China in identification and utilization of local knowledge to meet demand of rural financial services. The authors conclude that a rural financial pluralization will be the best way to attain such a goal.
China Rural Survey