根据多管材给水管网的水流特点及其水头损失计算公式 ,确定了给水管网沿线流量折算节点流量的折算系数的取值 ,应用有限元法分析多管材供水管网的水力平衡计算数学模型 ,由各个管段的水力平衡单元矩阵方程集合为给水管网水力平衡的整体矩阵方程 ,通过引入节点水压边界条件并迭代求解管网水力平衡整体矩阵方程——对称正定线性方程组 ,得出各项水力要素。给出了计算程序框图 ,编写了通用电算程序 ,经实例计算表明 ,能够快捷准确地完成多管材给水管网的水力平衡计算 。
Based on the water flow feature and the form ul a of calculation of energy loss which through multi-material supply pipe,this p aper determined the convert coefficient that change passing flow quantity into p oint flow quantity.FEM was used to analyze mathematic model of hydraulic balance in water supply network of multi-material supply pipe,and to aggregate unit matrix equation of each pipe into full matrix equation of network.By introducing the boundary condition and repeated calculating the symmetry positive matrix li near equation groups,every hydraulic parameter can be solved.Finally,drawing of program was given,the general program was made and actuality calculation example was presented.The results of this paper satisfied with hydraulic balance calcul ation of water supply network of multi-material pipe.
建设部科技项目 (建科 0 2 -5 -1.17