
中美大学生电子邮件文本对比研究 被引量:4

A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and American Students' Emails
摘要 基于前人的研究 ,在已知中美大学生的背景和写作要求的前提下 ,本文对 36封英文电子邮件文本从词汇、句法、篇章和写作内容方面进行了对比分析。结果显示 :中国大学生用词略显呆板 ,缺乏时代感 ,而且反映日常生活的词汇量不够 ;从句法上看 ,美方学生比中方学生更多地使用了复合句和并列复合句 ,但两国学生的信件都采用了以单、复句为主 ,并列句和并列复合句为辅的结构 ;在语篇分析中 ,笔者发现中美大学生篇章长短的差异不存在绝对性 ;另外 ,中国大学生的英文邮件存在着受母语影响的修辞迁移迹象 ; Through contrastive analysis of 36 emails, this paper studies writing differences between Chinese and American college students in four aspects of lexicon, syntax, text and content respectively. The results show that Chinese students' lexical repertoire of daily life is deficient and somehow out of modern time while American students use complex sentences and compound-complex sentences more frequently than Chinese students do. Both Chinese and American Students predominantly apply simple and complex sentences in their writing only with compound and compound-complex sentences as subordinate structures. In textual analysis, it is found that the text length difference between Chinese and American students varies with topics in email communication, and that Chinese students tend to transfer Chinese rhetorical structures in English writings. Finally, the content contrast reveals different thinking models between Chinese and American college students in email texts.
出处 《西安外国语学院学报》 2004年第4期26-29,共4页 Journal of Xi'an Foreign Languages University
关键词 中国 美国 大学生 英语写作 电子邮件 思维模式 Chinese and American students emails contrastive analysis difference
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