目的 为进一步做好放射防护工作 ,加强X线机器的质量控制 ,提高影像质量 ,更加有效地降低工作人员以及受检者的辐射剂量。方法 测定介入诊断和治疗用X线机的高对比度分辨率 ,低对比度分辨率 ,影像增强器入射面X线空气比释动能率 ,受检者X线空气比释动能率。结果 高对比度分辨率为 14目 /英寸 ,低对比度分辨率显示直径 3mm圆孔需使用 70kV ,1mA的工作条件 ,增强器入射面空气比释动能率大于 40 0 μGy/min ,受检者入射体表空气比释动能率大于 40mGy/min ,机器的性能和灵敏度均大幅度下降。 结论 由于机器的长期超负荷使用 ,造成了该机器的影像接受、显示进行性灵敏度下降 ,大大地增加了工作人员和受检者的辐射剂量。
Objective To reduce the X-ray radiation dosage of examiner and examinee by advancing the radiation protection performance and improving the image quality.Methods One SHIMADZU HD-150G-40 1250 mA X-ray machine was used in this study.The parameters included the high contrast resolution、the low contrast resolution and the air Kerma rate of incidence side of image amplier and examinees.Results The high contrast resolution(14LP/inch)、the low contrast resolution(the voltage for imaging 3 mm hole exceeded 70kV)、the air Kerma rate of incidence side of image amplier(>400 μ Gy/min) and examinees (>45 μ Gy/min) revealed the X-ray machine at a reduced lever of service.Conclusion The behavior declined markedly that making a standard image need more X-ray output.The radiation dosage of examiner and examinee increased.
Anhui Medical Journal