目的 探索一种新的短串联重复序列 (short tandem repeats,STR)基因座复合扩增方法即嵌合引物 STR复合扩增法。方法 采用公共引物和基因座特异性嵌合引物的复合扩增技术 ,扩增 4个STR基因座 ,用聚丙烯酰胺电泳对 PCR产物分离 ,银染。结果 建立了法医 STR基因座嵌合引物复合扩增方法 ,可正确分型。结论 这种方法扩增条件易于优化 ,不同基因座扩增条件的齐同性要求不高 ,对引物二聚体有一定程度的包容性 ,是一种成本低、效率高的法医
Objective To establish a simplified method of multiplex PCR based on chimeric primers for STR loci. Methods A set of chimeric primers and universal primers were designed to carry out a multiplex PCR for amplifying four short tandem repeats(STR) loci. Then the amplified STR loci were detected by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the gels were sliverstained. Results A quadriplex STR system was developed on the basis of both chimeric and universal primers. Conclusion The STR multiplex PCR based on both chimeric and universal primers hss been achieved readily and reproducibly by simple adjustment of the individual primer concentrations. The use of chimeric primers provides a method for primer design that eliminates the multiple optimization steps involved in developing the multiplex PCR.
Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics