The digital divide is important for a whole range of reasons, not least of which is the moral imperative. In this essay the author examines such questions as: Can we create a more just and equitable global society through the appropriate application of modern technologies, or are they much more likely to divide us yet more ruthlessly than in the past? Are we locked in some tragic struggle which has no fundamental hope of resolution or will we be uplifted by the possibilities that such technologies present? The statistics around those on either side of the digital divide tell us that it has much to do with the traditional discriminating factors between the haves and have-nots. Crucial in understanding the problem is an appreciation of the roles played by poverty and the existing disadvantages suffered by the disabled. If we are ever to achieve truly global ownership and participation in issues such as e-learning, e-health and e-governance, this author argues that the relevance and cultural applicability of the material available is vital. The issue of local language, local content, local consultation and 'customisation' is vital. I conclude that we do indeed have the opportunity to create a more just and equitable global society through the appropriate application of modern technology, but that there are serious qualifications.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education