Located in West China, the North Qilian Mountain Caledonian eugeosynclinal orogenic belt 100—300 km in width extends some 1200 km in NWW direction.It consists mainly of Lower Paleozoic thick marine volcanic rocks and sedimentary formations, within which several tens of volcanogenic massive base metal sulfide deposits have been found. These deposits might be grouped into three types: copper (iron) type (Honggou type), copper-zinc type (ophiolite type) and copper-lead-zinc type (Baiyinchang type). Different types of deposits occur in different geological environments and tend to be confined within their respective spatial-temporal domains. The copper (iron) type deposits, which were formed in a back arc or interarc basin rift environment, are concentrated in Dabanshan metallogenic zone in the south and related to Late Ordovician bimodal spilite-keratophyre sequence, with orebodies hosted by spilite.The copper-zinc type ore deposits are distributed in Yindonggou-Zhuzuiyaba and Cuogou-Jiugequan metallogenic zones in the north and occur in basalts of the Middle Ordovician ophiolite suite, suggesting that they were formed in an ocean-floor extensional environment. The copper-lead-zinc type ore deposits, which were formed in a rift volcanic arc environment during oceaanization at the early evolution stage of the Caledonian eugeosyncline, are concentrated in Baiyinchang and Qilian metallogenic areas and occur in Early Cambrian spilite-keratophyre sequence, with orebodies hosted by quartz keratophyric tuff.
Mineral Deposits