长期以来囿于“民族问题是社会革命总问题的一部分”的教条 ,用民族问题与阶级斗争的联系性来否定民族问题的相对独立性是我们难以真正重视民族问题的思想根源。而民族问题的相对独立性是不容忽视的。民族问题的实质是民族交往的负效应。民族问题的复杂性与长期性以及社会主次矛盾的易位都决定了民族问题所具有的相对独立性 ,因而不能把民族问题的实质视为其他社会问题。民族问题与其他社会问题相联系 ,但旧的民族矛盾解决了 ,还会产生新的民族矛盾 ,直至民族的彻底消亡。
盩he national question is one part of the general question of social revolution” was along term dogma.The national questionhas not been attached enough importance due to the ideological tradition in which the linkage between national question and class struggle has been emphasized while the relative independence of the national question ignored.The essence of thenational question is thenegative effect ofethnic interaction. The independence of the national question is determined by the complicatedand protracted nature and the changing position of the principal and secondary contradiction. So the essenceof the question should not beregarded as other social question. The national question is connected with other social questions. However, the new ethnic contradictions would rise after old ones were resolved and this process would not cease until the withering away of the nationality.
Ethno-National Studies