综合《中国珍稀濒危植物》、《国家重点保护野生植物名录》(第一批 )和《国家重点保护野生中药材》 ,西双版纳有珍稀濒危野生药用植物 3 9种 ,报道了其分布、生境、药用价值、迁地保护 ,并提出了保护对策。
Statistics based on Rare and Endangered Plants in China and the List of the Important Wild Plants for Conservation in China(first batch)and the Important Wild Chinese Medicinal Materials for Conservation in China show that,In Xishuangbanna there are 39 species rare and endangered wild medicinal plants.The paper describes the species,distribution,habitat,medicinal value and ex situ conservation.And offers some strategies for protection.
Forest By-product and Speciality in China