真理是人们对客观事物的正确认识 ,但是并非所有正确认识都可以称为真理 ,只有那些反映事物之客观规律的正确认识才是真理。司法证明结果可以是对客观事物的正确认识 ,但是不属于真理的范畴。实践是检验真理的标准 ,但不是检验人的一切认识正确与否的标准。司法证明的标准 ,是指司法证明必须达到的程度和水平。司法证明的标准可以分为三个层次。如何建构这三个层次的证明标准体系 ,是当前我国证据制度改革的重要任务之一。
‘Truth' is the correct knowledge about objective things, but not all pieces of correct knowledge can be named as ‘truth'. Only the correct knowledge reflecting the objective rules is ‘truth'. The result of judicial proof may be correct knowledge about objective things, but does not belong to the category of ‘truth'. Practice is the standard to test ‘truth', but not the standard to test all knowledge. The standard of judicial proof means the degree and level that the judicial proof must reach. The standards of judicial proof may be established at three levels. It is one of the important tasks for the reform of the Chinese evidence law system to establish the standards of judicial proof at the three levels.
Chinese Journal of Law