可持续发展是里约会议提出的核心理念和发展战略 ,也是WTO的指导原则。里约大会十年后 ,WTO成立八年后 ,可持续发展原则的执行和实践结果 ,既没有阻止穷国和各国的穷人在全球化过程中被边缘化 ,也没有遏止全球环境和自然资源继续恶化。发达国家和发展中国家在可持续发展 ,环境保护 ,贸易等问题上 ,南北矛盾尖锐 ,呈现出全面的对立和紧张关系。发展中国家认为发达国家极力主张的把贸易与环境保护在WTO框架里统合 ,其目的是筑造环境壁垒 ,其结果是阻碍发展中国家通过贸易寻求和取得发展。
Sustainable development is the key doctrine and strategy raised in De Rio Summit and the principle of WTO. 10 years after De Rio and 8 Years after the setting up of WTO, the implementing and practical result of sustainable development has neither stop being marginalized of the developing countries nor degradation of global environment and resources. Developed and developing countries have different and contradictive positions in trade, environment and sustainable development issues. Developing countries make the point that developing countries' aim of their attempts to integrate trade and environment in WTO framework is build environmental barriers and result in impeding developing countries to seek and obtain development by way of trade.
Law and Social Development