
国人25例肾蒂的观测及临床意义 被引量:3

Observation and Clinical Signification About Renal Pedicle of 25 Chinese People
摘要 目的 通过对肾蒂解剖情况的调查,为腹腔镜肾活体手术分离肾蒂内结构提供解剖学数据。方法 经福尔马林固定正常的成人尸体25具,用游标卡尺、量角器直接测量左、右肾蒂的长度,左、右肾蒂内侧端、中间1/2处、外侧端上下高度,左右肾蒂分别与腹主动脉、下腔静脉的夹角。结果 左、右肾蒂的长度分别是42.6±8.1 mm、18.1±4.1 mm,左肾蒂内侧端、中间1/2处、外侧端上下高度分别是22.9±5.5 mm,19.1±3.2 mm,26.9±3.5 mm,右肾蒂内侧端、中间1/2处、外侧端上下高度分别是15.6±3.1 mm,14.8±1.6 mm,23.2±0.7 mm,左肾蒂与腹主动脉的夹角是(70.4±10.3)°,右肾蒂与下腔静脉的夹角是(79.2±8.7)°。结论 了解肾蒂的形态学特点有利于腹腔镜手术对肾蒂内结构的处理。 Objective To provide anatomy data for the split of the constitution in renal pedicle during the operation of live - DN by pentone scopy. Methods and Results We measure the length of left renal pedicle(42.6±8.1 mm) and right renal pedicle (18.1±4.1 mm), and the height of interior tip of left renal pedicle(22.9±5.5 mm), of intermedia of left renal pedicle (19.1±3.2 mm), of lateral of left renal pedicle (26.9±3.5 mm), and the height of interior of right renal pedicle(15.6±3.1 mm), of intermedia of right renal pedicle(14.8±1.6 mm), of lateral of right renal pedicle (23.2±0.7 mm), and the angle between left renal pedicle and abdomial aorta (70.4° ±10.3°), the angle between right renal pedicle and inferior vena cava (79.2°±8.7°) . Conclusion The morphology of kidney pedicle is beneficial to splitting the constitution in renal pedicle during the operation of live - DN.
出处 《南华大学学报(医学版)》 2004年第4期453-455,共3页 Journal of Nanhua University(Medical Edition)
关键词 肾蒂 肾移植 腹腔镜手术 renal pedicle kidney transplantation pentoneoscopy
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