1Clintom Rossiter, Constitutional Dictatorship, Princeton University Press, 1963, p 5.
2Frederick Pollock, What is the martial law? L Q R. XVIII (1902), P. 214.
3King V. Pinney, (1832), 3B&Ad. 947.
4Clintom Rossiter, Constitutional Dictatorship, Princeton University Press, 1963, p. 216.
5Clintom Rossiter, Constitutional Dictatorship, Princeton University Press, 1963, p. 83--84.
6Par Deb. (1913), Commons, CCLVI. p 419.
7S REP NO. 1170, 93d Cong, 2dSess. 2-3 (1974).
8Melissa K Mathews, Restoring The Imperial Presidency. An Examination Of President Bush' s New Emergency Powers, 23 Hamline J Pub L.& Pol' y 455, Spring, 2002.
9Clintom Rossiter, Constitutional Dictatorship, Princeton University Press, 1963, p 23.
10John P McCormick, The Dilemmas of Dictatorship. Carl Schmitt and Constitutional Emergency Powers, 10 Can. J L & Juris. 163 (1997).
1Cecil T. Cart, Crisis Legislation in Great Britain, Columbia Law Review, Ⅺ , 1940.
2Mr. Justice Holmes in Meyer v Peabody (212 U. S. 78, 85).
3Lord Atkinson in King v Halliday (1917), A.C., 271 -272.
4Youngstown Sheet & Tube Co. et al. v. Sawyer, 1952,72 S. Ct. 863.
5Home Building and Loan Association v. Blaisdell, 290U. S. 398 - 483,1934.
6David Bormer, Emergency Powers in Peacetime, Sweet & Maxwell, 1985.
7Arthur M. Schlesinger, The Imperial Presidency, Popular Library, 1974.
8W. L. Twining, Emergency Powers: a Fresh Start, Fabian Tract 416,1972.
9Dr. Ablass, quoted in C. J. Friedrich, The Development of Executive Power in Germany, American Political Review, xxvii,1933.
10Lindsav Rogers, Legislature and Executive in Wartime, Foreign Affairs, ⅪⅩ, 1941.