多媒体英语课堂教学是一种全新的教学模式和手段 ,在多媒体英语教学中 ,多媒体设备和光盘是老师课堂演示的工具 ,是一种辅助教学的手段。然而有的教师没有充分发挥多媒体教学的优势 ,反而过分依赖多媒体设备 ,以看代讲 ,以看代练 ,不仅学生自主学习的性质有可能被抹煞 ,而且更容易加强以教师为中心的教学。
Teaching English with the assistance of the multimedia is a kind of teaching practice and teaching method. In essence, the use of multimedia in Engish language classroom is an extension of means for traditional classroom teaching, not a revolutionary progress in teaching methodology, for all the activities are still under the teacher's direct control. Ingorance of the distinctions between the two will probably hinder the effectiveness of the multimedia materials and may lead to the further strengthening of teacher-centeredness. The arctile not only attemps to apply characters to the teaching practice with multimedia, but also provides strategies for using this new technology in English language teaching.
Journal of Jinzhu University of Guiyang