预应力混凝土构件在实际应用过程中 ,难免受到各种因素的作用而影响其实际的工作性能。在已得到预应力对受弯构件抗弯刚度增强作用的基础上 ,对诸如预应力损失、徐变和收缩等工程实际中的因素加以考虑 ,给出更为贴近实际情况的分析解答 ,同时对已有的刚度计算结果进行讨论 ,指明了相关物理量的工程指导意义 ,可供预应力设计和施工人员参考。
During the application of P.C. members, the service behavior is ineluctable to be affected by some factors. Based on the theoretical analysis of prestress enhancement on flexural stiffness of a P.C. member, further considerations and analysis of actual influences caused by friction loss, creep and shrinkage were taken. Effects in the corresponding circumstances had been analyzed and commented. After considerate discussion for the typical results on flexural stiffness, instructional usage was pointed out, which could be used as a reference to evaluate the practical performance of P.C. members for designer and constructor.
Industrial Construction