在《死者》中 ,詹姆斯·乔伊斯把女性形象类比成爱尔兰民族劣根性。她们与“死者”迈克尔·富里 (传统爱尔兰文化的象征 )一道对男主人公加布里埃尔 (英 -爱优势文化的象征 )进行贬抑和阉割 ,致使其瘫痪、麻木并最终变成“活死人”。乔伊斯用这种生动而隐晦的方式批判了只知有爱尔兰而不知有天下的狭隘民族主义势力。
In “The Dead”, James Joyce employs the women's stereotypes of “mother, lady and floozy” in traditional western literature to imply the Irish corrupt customs. With the collusion of the three women characters (symbols of Irish corrupt customs) and the “dead” Michael Furey (Symbol of the Gael culture), the hero Gabriel, the representative of Anglo-Irish Culture, is suppressed and castrated and at last becomes a “live dead”. In this vivid and concealed way Joyce criticizes the radical narrow-minded nationalists, and also makes clear his attitude to “the conflict between two civilizations” as well as his sur-nationalistic literary stand.
Foreign Languages Research