目的 :探讨安氏Ⅰ类错牙合与安氏Ⅱ1错牙合患者颅面结构的差异。方法 :随机选取 11~ 14岁的年轻恒牙列病例 45例 ,其中安氏Ⅰ类错牙合2 4例 ,安氏Ⅱ1错牙合 2 1例 ,在正中咬合位时拍摄X线头颅定位侧位片 ,比较两者颅面结构的差异。结果 :安氏Ⅱ1错牙合患者SNB、ANB、SNPg、FMA的测量值大于安氏Ⅰ类错牙合患者 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,而SNA、PP SN、OP SN、GoGn SN的测量值两者间无显著差异。结论 :安氏Ⅰ类错牙合与安氏Ⅱ1类错牙合X线头影测量的主要差异是下颌位置的异常。
Objective:To detect the difference of craniofacial pattern in Angle's class Ⅰ and Angle'class Ⅱ division 1 patients. Method : Twenty-four class Ⅰ and twenty-one class Ⅱ division 1 patients with early permanent dentition were selected randomly, aged from 11 years old to 14 years old. Lateral cephalographs were taken for each patient and differences of craniofacial pattern were compared.Result: The angles of SNB、ANB、SNPg、FMA in class Ⅱ patients were larger than that of class Ⅰ patients, but there were no difference in angles of SNA、PP-SN、OP-SN、GoGn-SN. Conclusion: The main differences of craniofacial pattern in Angle's class Ⅰ and Angle'class Ⅱ division 1 patients rely on the location of the mandible.
Journal of Clinical Stomatology