简要介绍了我国 5 0年来为发展重载列车所做的努力 ,早期在使用蒸汽机车牵引时 ,曾进行了 12 0辆货车制动、缓解和充气时间的试验。 195 8年开始对货车单线电空制动机进行了研制和试验。随着大功率内燃机车和电力机车的发展 ,推动了重载列车的进步。从 1961年开始研制 10 3型空气分配阀到现今推广的 12 0型控制阀 ,为重载列车创造了条件。 1985年试验过空气同步制动装置和机车无线遥控同步操纵 ,这些研究和试验取得的资料 ,为发展重载列车提供了参考数据。
This paper briefly introduced the efforts that our country had made for development of heavily loaded train for fifty years.while using the steam locomotive to traction,we have carried on the test about braking,alleviating and inflated time on the 120 freight trains.In 1958 we started to develop and test the freight vehicle single line electro-pneumatic brake equipment.Along with the diesel locomotive and the electric locomotive development,the heavy load train technology was impelled from developing 103 air operating valve in 1961 to promote 120 control valve currently the condition for the heavily loaded train has been created.In 1985 the air synchronization brake equipment and the locomotive wireless remote control synchronization operation have been experimented.The data obtained from these experients have provided the help for the development of the heavily loaded train.
Railway Locomotive & Car
heavily loaded train,brake technology,progress