本文记述了白条天牛属Batocera Castelanu (1840)1新种。模式标本存放在山东农业大学德州专科部昆虫标本室。 麻栎白条天牛Batocera quercinea 新种(图1~3)。
A hew species of the genus Batocera Castclnau from China is described in this paper,The specimens are deposited in the Dezhou Professional Training Department of Shandong Agricultural University. Batocera quercinea sp.nov. ( ligs.1~3)
This new species closely ailied to B , horsfieldi Hope.but may be distigushed by the following characters: Large and strongly species, brownish, front width much longer than the 2/3 wide interior lobe of eye, 3rd seg. of antenna is the longest. Elytra disc with 10 white blotch, humerus with a strong shorter spine, the apex of sprine is ecta-ded: exterior margion of elytra extremity is rotundatus, sutural spine longer, apex ablique truncation of elytra, elytra brownish with yellowish slender hairs.The while blotch of body flank is conjoined on the between thorax and abdomen, between; body annuius without interspace. Antenna with yellowish hairs. The extremity of scape and 3rd to 9th segments of antenna are intumescented; submargin of fern-era and tibiae are politus.
Body length 52~54rnm, body breadth 19~21mm.
Holtype , AHotype Longling Yunnan, 1600m, 1986. VI. 24, collected from Quercus acutissima by Wang Rongyu.
Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology