作者运用辩证发展的方法论 ,通过文献资料和统计资料的分析 ,确立了中国西部地区实施大开发的八大优势 :资源丰饶 ,开发潜力巨大 ;历史悠久 ,文化底蕴深厚 ;民族众多 ,便于多元开发 ;地域辽阔 ,开发时空巨大 ;人口稀疏 ,便于提供就业机会 ;科技实力雄厚 ,有利于发展知识经济 ;近距中西亚地区 ,便于向西开放 ;民风淳良 ,便于艰苦创业。与此同时 ,作者深入分析了西部地区的比较劣势 ,并站在全局发展的高度 ,提出了西部地区发挥优势、化解劣势。
WT5BZ] With the dialectical and developmental methodology, the author of the article analyses documental materials and statistical data, then he advances eight sides of developmental superiority for the west of China: with plenty of resources, the west of China has great exploiting potentialities; with a long history, it has an ancient civilization; with lots of nationalities, we can develop in many fields; with a large region, the exploitation has broad space; with low population density, it is easy to supply us employment chances; with strong strength in science and technology, it benefits for the development of “Knowledge Economy”; near to the middle and west region of Asia, it is convenient for opening to the west; with the honest and friendly people, it is easier to do pioneering work arduously. At the same time, the author deeply analyses the inferiority of the west region of China comparing to the others. Adopting an overall point of view, it also advances the strategy of how to make the superiority work, how to transform the inferiority into superiority and how to strive for the strong strength. [WT4”HZ][
Journal of Lanzhou Commercial College
the development of the Western China
strong strength