本文采用氟离子电极法测定啤酒中的氟 ,测量溶液的酸度为PH5— 6,用总离子强度调节缓冲液 ,消除干扰离子及酸度的影响 ,方法回收率 96.1 2 %~ 99.2 4 % ,线性范围为 1 0 - 1 mol/L~ 5× 1 0 - 7mol/L ,最低检出浓度 0 .0 1 μg/ml,本法操作简单、快速 ,适合作常规测定 .
This paper introduces a method used for determinating fluorinion in beer.The solution waiting to be determined should be under the condition of p H 5—6.Eliminate the disturbance from ions and acidity.The recovery is 96.12%~99.24%.The linear range is 0.1 mol/L-5×10 -7mol/L.The minimume detectine limit is 0.01ug/ml.The method is simple as well as easy-operated.It is good for used test.
Journal of Henan Institute of Education(Natural Science Edition)