目的 对穿心莲片中穿心莲内酯的含量测定方法进行研究。方法 反相高效液相色谱法,YWG -C18色谱柱(2 5 0mm× 4 6mm,10 μm),流动相为甲醇 -水(5 0∶5 0 ),流速 1 2ml·min-1,检测波长 2 2 5nm。结果 平均回收率 99 4 %(n =5 )。结论 建立了一种操作简便、重现性良好的高效液相色谱法测定穿心莲片中穿心莲内酯的含量。
Objective RP-HPLC method was developed for determining the assay of Andrographolide in Chuanxinlian Tablets.Methods RP-HPLC was used.The analytical column was a YWG-C 18(250mm×4.6mm, 10μm) column.The mobile phase was water-methanol (50∶50).The flow rate was 1.2ml·min -1 ,and the UV detection wavelength was 225nm.Results The aver age recovery of the method was 99.4%(n=5).Conlusion The proposed method can be used in the qu antitative analysis of Andrographolide.The method is convenient,economic al and accurate with good reproducibility.
qilu pharmaceutical affairs