
不同体位下无鼾者与OSAHS患者的头影测量比较 被引量:2

A comparative study on cephalometric measurement at different body postures for non-snore'ers and OSAHS patients
摘要 目的:借助X线头影测量分析,探讨3种不同体位下,无鼾者和阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征(Obstructivesleepapneahypopneasyndrome,OSAHS)患者的颅面结构及气道周围软硬组织的关系。方法:10例无鼾者和10例OSAHS患者在3种不同体位下,分别拍摄常规坐位头影测量侧位片及仰卧位、放松位头颅侧位片,并进行头颅测量分析。结果:同一体位下,与无鼾者相比,OSAHS患者的ANB角、软腭厚度及舌骨前上点至下颌平面垂直距离增加,口咽距(U-Pu)减小;仰卧位和放松位时,无鼾者的SNB角、MP-SN角均比坐位时减小,SPT增加;H-C3距、PAS距减小;OSAHS患者H-C3距比坐位时也减小。结论:3种不同体位下,无鼾者与OSAHS患者在颅面结构及气道周围软硬组织结构关系方面的差异具有显著性。 PURPOSE:To investigate the influence on upper airway at different body postures between non-snore'ers and OSAHS patients by cephalometry. METHODS: Ten non-snore'ers and ten OSAHS patients were diagnosed by cephalometric analysis at 3 different body postures. RESULTS: Compared with non-snore'ers at the same body posture,OSAHS patients' ANB angle,the thickness of soft palate and hyoid vertical distance increased,oropharynx distance decreased; SNB angle and MP-SN angle of non-snore'ers decreased at supine and relaxing than sitting, the thickness of soft palate increased; H-C3 distance and PAS distance decreased. H-C3 distance of OSAHS patients also decreased. CONCLUSION: Non-snore'ers have a significant difference from OSAHS patients in the way of facial formation and structure relation of soft and hard issue around airway at different body postures.
出处 《中国口腔颌面外科杂志》 CAS 2004年第4期237-240,共4页 China Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
关键词 OSAHS 患者 不同体位 坐位 头影测量 颅面结构 软硬组织 仰卧位 气道 舌骨 Obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome OSAHS Cephalometric roentogram measurement Position Polysomnography
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