东北问题是战后中国政局中一个相对独立、甚为特殊的问题 ,其独立性和特殊性 ,造成东北问题处于一种既不停战、又不谈判、且又无人能够出面调停的局面。苏军撤离后 ,东北问题必然失控。国民党六届二中全会之后 ,国共两党在政协宪草原则和东北问题上形成两个矛盾焦点 ,双方都需要一次重大的军事胜利 ,以将政局的发展纳入自己的控制下。四平决战正是在这种政治的直接要求下爆发的。四平之役是国共战争史上一次特殊的战例 ,即通过局部性的军事决战方式 。
The Northeast China issue was a separate and very special problem in the situation in China after the Second World War. In Northeast China there was neither truce nor negotiations and no one was in a position to mediate. The situation would be bound to get out of control after the withdrawal of the Soviet troops. Following the conclusion of the Second Plenum of the Sixth Central Committee of the Guomindang contradictions between the Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party were intensified and focused on the principles of the draft constitution of the Political Consultative Conference and the situation in Northeast China. Both sides needed a vital military victory to bring the political situation under its control. It was against this background that the battle at Siping was fought. It was a special case in the history of war between the two parties with each side trying to gain an upper hand in overall political situation through a local decisive battle.
Historical Research