本文简述了战后东南亚四国 (印尼、菲律宾、泰国、缅甸 )民族分离主义运动的发展历程 ,并分析了其特点及其兴起的历史、政治、经济与文化因素。笔者指出 ,上述东南亚四国主体民族与少数民族之间存在的巨大的社会、政治、经济差距是产生民族分离主义的根本原因。随着上述国家政治民主改革进程的加快与民族政策的调整、民族地区自治权力的加强及其经济的发展 ,主体民族与少数民族之间的社会经济差距已日益缩小 ,民族分离主义运动将日渐势微。
Ethnic separatist movements in the post-war Southeast Asia countries such as Indonesia,Philippines,Thailand and Burma were one of the most protracted events in the political development of the above countries.This article depicts the process of ethnic separatist movements and analysis its common characteristics as well as the reasons that brought about the separatist movements.The author points out that the main reason resulting in ethnic conflicts is the social-economic gap between the majorities and the minorities,and with the modification of state polices towards minorities as well as the social-economic development in the minorities area,the largescale ethnic separatist movement will come to the end.
World History