目的 探讨肝癌射频消融治疗的有效性和安全性。方法 对216例肝癌共行252次射 频消融治疗,观察射频消融治疗后病人的不良反应、肝功能、甲胎蛋白(AFP)水平、肿瘤血供变化、CT 影像学变化及1年生存率。结果 射频消融治疗后病人的不良反应发生率为82%,56%的病人有轻 度的转氨酶升高,射频消融治疗前AFP升高者有85%的病人有程度不同的下降。76%的病人射频消 融治疗后彩色多普勒超声观察肿瘤血供明显减少或消失。射频消融治疗后1~6个月肝脏增强CT 扫描全部病人均有程度不同的肿瘤液化坏死,不强化者占56%,病人1年生存率为84%。结论 射 频消融是治疗肝癌的一种安全有效的方法。
Objective To explore the efficacy and safety of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) in the treatment of liver cancer.Methods 216 cases of liver cancer underwent RFA. After treatment, the main symptoms were observed. Meanwhile, hepatic function examination, alpha fetoprotein (AFP), enhanced CT scans and color ultrasonography were performed. 185 cases were followed up for 12 months.Results AFP level was decreased in 85 % patients with abnormal AFP level before RFA. Blood signals around the tumors were reduced or disappeared in 76 % patients After RFA. All lesions showed complete or partial liquefaction necrosis. Lesions were not enhanced on the CT scan images at 1-6 months after RFA in 56 % patients. The one-year survive rate of the patients after RFA was 84 %.Conclusion RFA is a safe and effective technique for the treatment of liver cancer.
Journal of Abdominal Surgery