
健康成人戴用软垫紧咬运动时脑激活区域的功能性磁共振成像研究 被引量:9

Brain Activities during Maximum Voluntary Clenching with Soft Occlusal Pad in Healthy Adults by Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
摘要 目的 应用功能性磁共振成像技术探讨戴软垫紧咬运动时人脑功能活动区域定位,试图从中枢机制探 讨垫的治疗作用机理。方法 选取10名健康成人受试者,采用时段设计,任务状态与休息状态交替。任务状态 分2组设计,实验组为戴软垫紧咬运动,对照组为不戴软垫紧咬运动。采用Elscint GE2.0T磁共振系统成像, 应用SPM99软件进行数据后处理及组分析。结果 实验组10名受试者在单侧或双侧的运动皮层、感觉皮层、前额 叶皮层、颞叶皮层、前运动皮层、脑岛、额盖、基底神经节壳核、顶叶皮层及扣带回等区域有明显激活。组分析结果 显示双侧运动皮层(BA6)、右侧感觉皮层、双侧基底神经节壳核、双侧脑岛等区域均出现明显激活,其中左侧运动皮 层的激活程度明显强于右侧。对照组紧咬运动组分析结果显示双侧运动皮层(BA6)、双侧感觉皮层、双侧基底神经 节壳核、左侧顶叶皮层等区域均出现明显激活,其中运动皮层的激活双侧基本对称。结论 戴软垫后紧咬运动 脑皮层激活区域尤其是运动皮层和感觉皮层的变化可能是垫作用机理的中枢机制。 Objective Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to detect the cerebral cortical somatotopy during maximum voluntary clenching with soft occlusal pad in healthy adults. By comparing with the cerebral cortical activation during clenching with and without soft occlusal pad we try to detect the central mechanism of the rule of the occlusal pad.Methods Ten healthy subjects were selected and scanned by Elscint/GE 2.0 Tesla MR system. Block design was used and the movement pattern was maximum voluntary clenching with soft occlusal pad. The fMRI data were analyzed by SPM99 software and group map analysis was done.Results The activation areas were found in bilateral or unilateral motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, prefrontal cortex, temporal cortex, premotor cortex, insula, frontal operculum, basal ganglia (putamen), parietal cortex and cingulate. Group map analysis showed activation in bilateral motor cortex, right somatosensory cortex, bilateral basal ganglia, and bilateral insula. The activation of left motor cortex was significantly higher than right side. Compared with cortical activation without occlusal pad, the motor and somatosensory cortex changed a lot.Conclusion The changes of the activation of motor and somatosensory cortex during clenching after wearing the soft occlusal pad might be the central mechanism of the rule of the occlusal pad.
出处 《华西口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第1期57-59,共3页 West China Journal of Stomatology
关键词 HE垫 核磁共振 咀嚼运动 诊断成像 occlusal pad nuclear magnetic resonance mastication diagnostic imaging brain
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