目的:了解贵州少数民族公众科学素养的文化程度差异。方法:采用国际通用的社会学、人类学和统计学方法分层整群抽样方法和 2003年中国科协制定的科学素养测试体系和问卷模式,对具有代表性的布依族、苗族、侗族、水族、瑶族和毛南族 6种少数民族 18~69岁的 1517人进行抽样调查,并分析其结果。结果:贵州少数民族公众科学素养与文化程度高低呈正相关,文化程度越高,具有基本科学素养的比例越大。结论:必须振兴少数民族教育,才能从根本上提高贵州少数民族公众的科学素养。
Objective: To find out schooling difference of public scientific literacy of national minori-
ties in Gui Zhou province. Methods: 1 517 people (age 18~ 69) from six representative national minorities
(Buyi, Miao, Dong, Yao and Maonan) were investigated through sampling and anglyzed, by adopting cur-
rent current sociolopgy, anthropology, statistical method and method of delaminating cluster sampling and the
test system on scientific literacy conflated by the scientific association of China in 2003 and the papger model.
Results: The public scientific literacy of national minorties in Gui Zhou is in proportion to schooling. The kig-
hor schooling is, the more the scientific literacy wioll be. Conclusions: We must promote the national edu-
cation, so wof nantional minorities in Gui Zhou.
Journal of Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities