祼是周代祭祀中的重要仪节, 而圭瓒和璋瓒则是行祼祭时所必备的礼器。本文首先分析了周代的祼祭之祼和祼飨之祼, 认为以鬯祼地和以醴祼宾分别是祼祭和祼飨中的正献。本文又以震旦艺术博物馆新藏的两件战国玉瓒为契机, 探讨了商周时期瓒类器物的形制和功能, 着重指出文献所载的圭瓒和璋瓒可能是就其柄部形制而非柄部质料而言的。
Guan was one of the important rites in the Zhou sacrifices, Gui zan and Zhang zan were two necessary ritual vessels employed in the sacrifice of Guan This paper first discriminates Guan ji or Guan sacrifice and Guan xiang or Guan feast, and indicates that the Guan of Chang and the Guan of Li were respectively the formal step in Guan ji and Guan xiang Moreover, by introducing two jade Zan wares newly housed by Aurora Arts Museum, the author analyzes the typology and function of the Zan in the Shang and Zhou periods, and stresses that the nomination of Gui zan and Zhang zan depended on the shape of their handle rather than the raw material of the handle
Cultural Relics of Central China